We have received a lovely card from Sofia, the capital and largest city of Bulgaria, more than 2,500 km from Santiago!
Sofia. Building of the Council of Ministers. Wanderlust.co.uk |
благодаря Melisa for this gorgeous postcard showing the well-known Mummers (also named Kukeri) spectacular costumes worn by men who perform
traditional rituals in order to scare away evil spirits.
As we can gather from
the postcard, the costumes cover most of the body and include decorated wooden
masks of animals and large bells attached to the belt. Related costumes and
rituals are found in Galicia, particularly in some villages in Ourense like
Verín and Xinzo de Limia, whose Carnival costumes (pantallas in Xinzo and cigarróns in Verín) and traditions bear some resemblance to Bulgarian mummers.
Kukeri festival in Bulgaria. Tumblr.com |
Cigarróns. Wikipedia |
Pantallas. Vivirgaliciaturismo.com |
What a nice discovery! A resemblance that reaffirms O' Súilleabháin's magic definition of folklore, "...one of the oldest and most international inheritances of the human race. It brings us into close touch with a mentality that embraces all countries and all times" (Irish Folk Custom and Belief, 1987:8)
Clik here to find out more about Bulgarian mummers.