Wednesday, 23 December 2015

Happy holidays!

Christmas is round the corner and so millions of people all over the world are exchanging holiday cards, a tradition that dates back to 1843. Here you have 5 curious facts about Christmas cards:

1. The first Christmas card was sent by Sir Henry Cole in 1843. Visit Vite's Postcrossing blog to learn more about the origins of this custom.

First Christnas Card
2. Christmas Cards are an industry in the U.K. and in the U.S. According to the Greeting Card Association, Americans purchased some 2 billion individual and boxed Christmas cards in 2015! This latest Market Report shows that the UK greeting card market continues to be a major British success story with a value of over £1.6 billion at retail.

3. It is a tradition that now surpasses beliefs and religion. Although many people associate holiday cards with Christmas and Hanukkah, people around the world share holiday cards at the end of each year. In many countries, cards refer to the New Year rather than Christmas. But even in countries where Christians are a distinct minority, Christmas cards are sent out to celebrate the “secular” Santa Claus Christmas.

4. The White House sends more that 1 million annual holiday cards. The first official Christmas card was issued by President Eisenhower in 1953.

5. Only 15% of the cards are sent by men, their preferred greeting being Merry Christmas

Happy Christmas everyone and our very best wishes for the New Year!

Ricardo Irimia, alumno de galego, gañador do concurso de tarxetas de felicitación de Nadal.
We will be back to our regular posting in January.

Friday, 18 December 2015

Discover Santiago de Compostela XII: The Heijduk Memorial Towers

Postcard 12 features the Hejduk Towers at the City of Culture in Mount Gaiás. American arhitect John Heijduk originally designed the towers in 1992 to be botanic towers for Compostela Park however after it was never realised, Eisenman who was an old friend and colleague of Hejduk decided to recover the project.The towers are 82-foot tall and situated at the edge of the new site, overlooking the city's old medieval centre. The two towers bare a similar form but are constructed from different materials, one is clad in granite while the other appears like a wire-frame showing metal and glass.

John Hejduk (1929-2000)

Postcard 12 is headed for Zhengzhou, China!

Postcard 12 has been headed for Zhenghou, a city in central China, 9579 km away!

Roberto, a basic 2 student, has written a postcard featuring the Hejduk Memorial Towers at the Cidade da Cultura, designed by American architect John Hejduk (1929-2000).

Would you like to know more about the Hejduk towers? Click here. If you want to read what Roberto has discovered about Zhengzhou, go to EXPLORING THE WORLD.

Thursday, 17 December 2015

A postcard has arrived from Tainan, Taiwan!

Good news!

A new postcard has just arrived from Tainan, Taiwan, 11048 km away!!

Cherry has written and coloured a beautiful postcard that shows a scene from one of our favourite books of all time, Lewis Carroll's Alice's Adventures in Wonderland (1869).

As you can see, Cherry's postcard features The White Rabbit, a character who appears at the very beginning of the book (in chapter one) wearing a waistcoat, and muttering "Oh dear! Oh dear! I shall be too late!" It is him whom Alice follows down the rabbit hole into Wonderland!
The White Rabbit

Thank you Cherry for this lovely postcard! It was a very good choice considering the fact that this year we celebrate the 150th anniversary of the original publication of Alice's Adventures in Wonderland.
Tea party

150 years of Alice's Adventures in Wonderland

Visit these blogs to know more about this timeless book:

Advanced 1 students have done some research on Cherry's hometown and have published their findings in EXPLORING THE WORLD. Thank you, guys!

Exploring the World XII: Tainan (Taiwan)

We have received a postcard from TAINAN!

Downtown Tainan


Tainan is a city with 2,000,000 inhabitants in southern Taiwan, facing the Taiwan Strait in the west and south. 

Location of Taiwan

Location of Tainan within Taiwan

Luerminma Temple
Tainan is the oldest city in Taiwan and also commonly known as the "Capital City" (Chinese: 府城; pinyin: fǔchéng) for its over 200 years of history as the capital of Taiwan under various ruling dynasties. Its former name, Tayouan (大員), has been claimed to be the origin of the name "Taiwan". 


Taiwan Confucian Temple

Confucian Temple
The Taiwan Confucius Temple was built in 1665 to offer lectures and cultivate intellectuals. It was the first learning institute for children whenTaiwan was ruled by Qing Dynasty. The Confucian temple serves now as a popular tourist attraction and hosts ancient Confucian ceremonies.

National Museum of Taiwan Literature

National Museum of Taiwan Literature

The National Museum of Taiwan Literature exhibits local literary works as part of its multilingual, multi-ethnic focus. The museum is located in the former Tainan City Hall, constructed in 1916 and famous for its historical significance.

The Bee Hives

Bee in Yanhsui District Tainan
The Bee Hives are the most important fireworks in Lantern Festival. They are actually thousands of bottle rockets arranged row atop row in an iron-and-wooden framework. The setup looks like a beehive full of unleashed gunpowder. Dazzling explosives whiz and whirl across the sky and often into the spectators, both thrilling and intimidating them.


Tainan is also one of Taiwan's cultural capitals, for its rich folk cultures including the famous local snack food, extensively preserved Taoist rites and other living local traditions covering everything from child birth to funerals.

Wanna know more about Tainan? Watch this video:


Wednesday, 16 December 2015

Stop 11: Essen (Germany)

Our 11th postcard has been sent to Essen, in Germany, 1508 kilometres away!

This time it was Marina Raíces, an advanced 1 student, who wrote a postcard featuring the Pazo de Fonseca.

Go to EXPLORING THE WORLD to know more about Essen. If you want to read about the Pazo de Fonseca in English, click HERE.

Thank you, Marina!

Exploring the World XI: Essen (Germany)

Postcard 11 was sent to ESSEN!


Essen is an industrial city in North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany. 

Location of Germany

Location of Essen within Germany
Essen has a population of approximately 567,000 people, which makes it the 9th-largest city in Germany. It has a temperate-Oceanic climate with relatively mild winters and cool summers.


Essen is one of Germany's most important coal and steel centers. It is seat to several large companies, among them the ThyssenKrupp industrial conglomerate, one of the world's largest steel producers providing components and systems for the automotive industry, elevators, escalators, material trading and industrial services.


Essen’s best known landmarks include:

Zollverein Industrial Complex


Declared a World Heritage Site by the UNESCO in 2001, Zollverein is the “most beautiful coal mine in the world". It is considered an architectural and technical masterpiece and its winding tower has become a symbol for the whole Ruhr area.

Villa Hügel

Villa Hügel
Built in 1873, Villa Hügel was Krupp’s representative seat. The mansion has 269 rooms and occupies 8,100 m². It is situated in a 28-hectare park that overlooks the River Ruhr. The villa Hügel is now property of Essen culture.

The Old Synagoge

Old Synagoge Essen

The Synagoge is a cultural meeting center and memorial located in the city centre.

Museum Folkwang

Museum Folkwang
Essen’s major museum is a major collection of 19th- and 20th-century art, including paintings, graphics, photography and antique ceramics. Admission is free except for special exhibitions.

Despite the fact that Essen is one of the most industrial cities in Germany, it is one of the greenest! It was awarded the European Green Capital Award for 2017.

Essen was singled out for its practices in protecting and enhancing nature and biodiversity and efforts to reduce water consumption. It also participates in a variety of networks and initiatives to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.



Friday, 4 December 2015

Exploring the World X: Lichfield (UK)

The fourth postcard we've received comes from LICHFIELD!

Lichfield aerial view

Lichfield is a cathedral city and civil parish in StaffordshireEngland. One of eight civil parishes with city status in England, Lichfield is situated roughly 16 mi (26 km) north of Birmingham. At the time of the 2011 Census the population was estimated at 32,219 and the wider Lichfield District at 100,700.

Location of the United Kingdom

Location of Lichfield within Stafforshire


…its three-spired medieval cathedral  and for being the birthplace of Samuel Johnson, the writer of the first authoritative Dictionary of the English Language

Lichfield Cathedral
Samuel Johnson's The Dictionary of the English Language

Today, the city still retains its old importance as an ecclesiastical centre, and its industrial and commercial development has been limited. The centre of the city retains an unspoilt charm with over 230 listed buildings in its historic streets, fine Georgian architecture and old cultural traditions. People from Lichfield are known as Lichfeldians.


Lichfield Cathedral

Lichfield Cathedral High Altar
It is the only medieval cathedral in Europe with three spires. The present building was started in 1195, and completed by the building of the Lady Chapel in the 1330s. It replaced a Norman building begun in 1085 which had replaced one, or possibly two, Saxon buildings from the seventh century.

Hospital of St John Baptist without the Barrs

Hospital of St John Baptist without the Barrs

A distinctive Tudor building with a row of eight brick chimneys. This was built outside the city walls (barrs) to provide accommodation for travellers arriving after the city gates were closed. It now provides homes for elderly people and has an adjacent Chapel.

The Market Square

Lichfield market square
In the centre of the city, the square contains two statues, one of Samuel Johnson overlooking the house in which he was born, and one of his great friend and biographer, James Boswell.

Beacon Park

Beacon Park
Beacon Park is in Lichfield’s city centre and hosts many cultural events. It was created in 1859 when the Museum Gardens were laid out adjacent to the newly built Free Museum and Library. The park has since been extended in stages and now forms 69 acres of open parkland in the city centre. The park is located in the northwest of the city centre and to the west of the Cathedral Close across the road from the Garden of Remembrance.


Cultural life in Lichfield is very important. The city hosts an international Arts Festival, The Lichfield Festival, which has taken place every July for 30 years. The festival is a celebration of classical music, dance, drama, film, jazz, literature, poetry, visual arts and world music. Events take place at many venues around the city but centre on Lichfield Cathedral and the Garrick Theatre. Popular events include the medieval market in the Cathedral Close and the fireworks display which closes the festival.

Lichfield festival
Watch this video to know more about this impressive city!

The postcard that a Lichfeldian, Malcolm, has sent us does not feature Lichfield. It shows one of the most beautiful natural areas in England, the LAKE DISTRICT.

The Lake District, also known as The Lakes or Lakeland, is a mountainous region in North West England. A popular holiday destination, it is famous for its lakes, forests and mountains (or fells) and its associations with the early 19th century writings of Romantic poets like William Wordsworth and Samuel Taylor Coleridge.

The Lake District
William Wordsworth
Samuel Taylor Coleridge
Here you have the quintessential Lake District poem: " I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud" by W. Wordsworth (1815). Enjoy!

 I wandered lonely as a cloud
That floats on high o'er vales and hills,
When all at once I saw a crowd,
A host, of golden daffodils;
Beside the lake, beneath the trees,
Fluttering and dancing in the breeze.

Continuous as the stars that shine
And twinkle on the milky way,
They stretched in never-ending line
Along the margin of a bay:
Ten thousand saw I at a glance,
Tossing their heads in sprightly dance.

The waves beside them danced; but they
Out-did the sparkling waves in glee:
A poet could not but be gay,
In such a jocund company:
I gazed--and gazed--but little thought
What wealth the show to me had brought:

For oft, when on my couch I lie
In vacant or in pensive mood,
They flash upon that inward eye
Which is the bliss of solitude;
And then my heart with pleasure fills,
And dances with the daffodils.
