Thursday, 17 December 2015

Exploring the World XII: Tainan (Taiwan)

We have received a postcard from TAINAN!

Downtown Tainan


Tainan is a city with 2,000,000 inhabitants in southern Taiwan, facing the Taiwan Strait in the west and south. 

Location of Taiwan

Location of Tainan within Taiwan

Luerminma Temple
Tainan is the oldest city in Taiwan and also commonly known as the "Capital City" (Chinese: 府城; pinyin: fǔchéng) for its over 200 years of history as the capital of Taiwan under various ruling dynasties. Its former name, Tayouan (大員), has been claimed to be the origin of the name "Taiwan". 


Taiwan Confucian Temple

Confucian Temple
The Taiwan Confucius Temple was built in 1665 to offer lectures and cultivate intellectuals. It was the first learning institute for children whenTaiwan was ruled by Qing Dynasty. The Confucian temple serves now as a popular tourist attraction and hosts ancient Confucian ceremonies.

National Museum of Taiwan Literature

National Museum of Taiwan Literature

The National Museum of Taiwan Literature exhibits local literary works as part of its multilingual, multi-ethnic focus. The museum is located in the former Tainan City Hall, constructed in 1916 and famous for its historical significance.

The Bee Hives

Bee in Yanhsui District Tainan
The Bee Hives are the most important fireworks in Lantern Festival. They are actually thousands of bottle rockets arranged row atop row in an iron-and-wooden framework. The setup looks like a beehive full of unleashed gunpowder. Dazzling explosives whiz and whirl across the sky and often into the spectators, both thrilling and intimidating them.


Tainan is also one of Taiwan's cultural capitals, for its rich folk cultures including the famous local snack food, extensively preserved Taoist rites and other living local traditions covering everything from child birth to funerals.

Wanna know more about Tainan? Watch this video:


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